Feed the Tiger,
Free the Dragon

Over time our relationships have a tendency to lose that special something—that thing that made this person “the one” at the start.
The further we go down this road, the more our relationships start to feel (and taste) like a lukewarm bowl of porridge. No salt. No sugar. No delicious apple-berry granola crumble. Just a plain old bowl of oats served up three times a day. And sure, oats are reasonably nutritious, but they are also really boring.
Whether we can admit it or not, most of us are coasting through life in a dull numbness of coexistence. All of our time spent together has created a crisis of energetic and sexual neutrality. Like magnets, we have rubbed up against each other for so long, with such consistency, that we have completely lost the powerful attraction we once had.
The good news is that you don’t need to settle for a life that is neutral—a life devoid of desire and passion. It’s time to stop settling and to start enjoying more: more excitement, more love, more freedom, more respect, more attention, and much more lust. It’s time to put down your sad little spoon and stop eating that gruel. It’s time to feel your sharp teeth, your claws, and the fire in your chest. Feed the Tiger, Free the Dragon is a fresh approach to life and love; it’s the permission you need to live an authentic life where all of your emotional cravings are satisfied.
In Feed the Tiger, Free the Dragon you will learn to create more excitement and sexual tension in your relationship through the practice of polarity. The natural law of polarity states that people with opposite sexual energy produce an attractive force between them, while people with the same energy produce a neutral or repulsive force. In other words, “opposites attract.” And the larger the energetic distance between two people, the greater the attraction.
Using the narrative of saving her own marriage as a guide, Gillian will take you on a journey of self-discovery. You will master the principles of polarity and learn to embrace your inner Tiger or your inner Dragon. By understanding and embracing your authentic uniqueness and learning to counterintuitively push away from your partner, you will find more love, lust, pleasure, freedom, and respect. Mastering these principles will also help you to improve other areas of your life, such as deepening your friendships, advancing your career, and healing old family wounds. You will learn how to find your freedom, live with purpose, and feel more love and pleasure in your daily life.
And yes, that’s a lot. But isn’t it time that we start living the most fulfilled version of our lives? Like Gillian, too many of us are settling for servings of slop when we could be feasting from the buffet at the Bellagio. It’s time to learn how to feed the Tiger and free the Dragon. It’s time to find our happiness.

“Whether we can admit it or not, most of us are coasting through life in a dull numbness of coexistence. All of our time spent together has created a crisis of energetic and sexual neutrality.”
— gillian harper
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the book’s elevator pitch?
In Feed the Tiger, Free the Dragon Harper will show you how to create the passion, freedom, and respect you deserve through the mastery of the natural Law of Polarity.
Where can I buy a copy of the book?
Feed the Tiger, Free the Dragon will be available in all the regular places where books are sold, including Barnes & Noble book stores, Amazon and Good Reads as well as via e-book through Amazon (Kindle), B&N (Nook), Google Books, iBooks, OverDrive, Kobo, and others.
Is Gillian available for speaking?
Yes, Gillian is available for speaking engagements. Give Gillian a platform and she will deliver a compelling keynote that will have your audience both laughing and learning. You can reach out to Gillian and her PR team by submitting an enquiry form here.
How can I get in touch with Gillian?
The best way to get in touch is via an enquiry form here or via email gillian@gillianharper.co. You can also send her an IG DM via @_gillian_harper
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