Pushing Into Opposing Energies

Seriously. Is there a fictional couple with more polarity than Noah and Allie?

Noah, deep in his Dragon living his purpose.

Allie, in all her wild, loving, free, fun Tiger Energy. It is a beautiful thing to watch this story of passion and polarity unfold.

For the majority of people, when you strip back the conditioned layers to finally reveal your Dominant Energy, you will likely notice that you and your partner are already polarized. We naturally gravitate toward our opposite energy—it’s the Law of Polarity in action.

Of course, this polarity might not be obvious; over time you both may have shifted, or you may have spent so much time together that you’ve become energetically similar, the way two magnets rubbed together depolarize. Yet deep at your core, when you are apart and fully energized, your natural states will likely be opposing.

The tools in the following posts and in my book Feed the Tiger, Free the Dragon are designed to help you push yourself and your partner deeper into your respective opposing energies in order to create more space and more desire between you. The greatest attraction with your partner will be achieved through creating the greatest distance between your energies.

While the ideal scenario is for each partner to go deep into their own Dominant Energy and help their partner to do the same, you don’t need to wait for your partner to get on board in order to get started. In fact, you don’t need a partner at all. If you aren’t currently in a relationship, you can use these posts to learn how to nourish your own Dominant Energy, which will help you to better identify and attract the right energetic match. If you are in a relationship, there’s a good chance that your partner will never read my book or take any interest in the topic. Don’t worry, you can still go deeper into your own Dominant Energy, and you can help your partner to go deeper into theirs. Even if they don’t know what you are doing, they will feel the difference—and that’s what this is all about.

Taking the time to understand your own Dominant Energy won’t just allow you to create more passion with your partner, it will also help you to improve communication and reduce daily conflict; it can also assist you to deepen your friendships, improve your career and heal old family wounds. There’s more about that in the later posts and in my book Feed the Tiger, Free the Dragon.


Why is polarity important?


Society’s Dragon Bias