Help your partner

This week I returned from a 10 day trip exhausted with ‘lots to do’. I was feeling deeply into my masculine energy (Dragon). An energetic space I don’t love to hold for long periods of time.

Sometimes I really need help letting go so I can get back into my happy place, which is my Tiger energy (feminine).

Seeing that I was struggling, Peter was able to help.

Every Friday night we do Family Date Night. The girls love it (so do I) — they love to get all dressed up. Last night we decided to walk down to the Four Seasons, one of our favorite haunts. Peter lead the way and made sure there was a lot of silliness, beach dancing and giggles.

Even though it was late, we also decided to walk home. Upon seeing the full moon we couldn’t resist a night swim. No bathing suit, no worries. The Harper’s never have any problems doing things in our underpants…(not very “Palm Beach”, I know).

It’s exactly what I needed to let go of the week and feel into my feminine.

When you and your partner are paying attention to polarity, your combined energy becomes fluid. You start to make micro adjustments to help accommodate each other. It’s a beautiful thing.
#polarity #masculineenergy #feminineenergy #feminine #familyfriday


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Family Dynamics