
We all have “that friend”, the wild Tiger (dominant feminine energy) who is always late, a bit of a hot mess, untethered, off topic and dominating the WhatsApp channel with their constant stream of unfiltered consciousness.

Or that Dragon friend (masculine energy) who is always “on”, competitive, purpose driven, serious and anchored.

For those of us deep in an energy, friendships can be important to pull us towards the center. Particularly for Tigers who are in creative fields and spend little to no time in their Dragon or workaholic Dragons who spend little to no time in their Tiger.

For those deep in their dominant energy, free time can be used to calibrate energy and pull back from the depths to create a little more balance.

My beautiful Mom & her friends are deeply dominant Tigers — all nurturing, loving & feeling. As a Tiger who has to work hard to stay out of my Dragon, I often chuckle at the activities my Mom and her friends do together in their social time. (Sorry Mom). They play bridge, Mahjong and golf. All highly competitive activities. Being competitive with one another actually helps them to come a little closer to their Dragon energy and find a little more balance. This is something they do very intuitively.

My Tiger friends have a younger version of that with their Cross Fit groups, cycling/running clubs, triathlon teams and ocean swims. They get really competitive with their times and compete seriously with each other. It's a nice energetic change.

So whether you need to fill up your dominant energy to push yourself out of neutral; or tone down your strong energy to find balance, utilizing your friends and family to do so can help improve your day-to-day interactions with the world.

We’re all just energy after all, and finding those people in your orbit to help you find your purpose and pleasure, the more love and freedom you will find.


Phantom Freedom


Why is polarity important?