Dominant Energy Awareness

In order to master the power of polarity, self awareness is key. How are you feeling today? What energy are you in? You can’t expect to create attractive and powerful polarity with your partner if you aren’t in touch with your own energy and what you are craving energetically.

Take a moment to meditate, breathe, listen, feel. Where are you today? What are your priorities? Are you on a mission or you craving connection?

If you are unsure whether your priorities indicate your are more Dragon or Tiger, let’s play out this work scenario:

You are working on an important project, and you have a hard and looming deadline. You are in your flow and hyper-focused on the task at hand. You are making great progress. Then your cell phone lights up. It’s your best friend, who has texted you that they have an urgent problem and could you please give them a call to discuss it? They need your help. Do you stop what you are doing and call your friend immediately? Or do you call them in a few hours when you have finished your work?

If you stopped what you were doing, you are most likely currently in your Tiger. Your relationships are your primary driver. Just because you are a Tiger doesn’t mean you can’t be purpose-driven, it just means that your Dominant Energy is more focused on love.

If you decided to call your friend at lunch or after work when you are finished with your current task, you are more likely a Dragon. Your task/purpose is your primary driver. Just because you are predominantly focused on your mission doesn’t mean you don’t value relationships, it just means you don’t value them as much as your mission.

Take a moment and just touch base with your energy. Then the polarity work can really begin.



Encouraging the Dragon


Sexual Polarity